The WDMS NT-VK system is designed to collect and monitor radioactive wastewaters, which can be released only after their radioactivity drops below a defined value. 

The main application of such a system is related to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures involving radioactive substances, and their partial elimination through the patient’s metabolism.

The WDMS NT-VK main components are:

  • Purification group: Imhoff tanks designed to collect the wastewaters and to separate liquid from solid waste
  • Sorting group: pumps and conduits pouring the wastewaters in the decay tanks
  • Decay group: tanks array where the wastewaters are poured and stocked until their radioactive level drops below a defined value
  • Sampling system: valves and pumps used by the system to wash the sampling circuit and to sample the stocked wastewaters, allowing the measurement in Marinelli geometry
  • Release group: pumps and conduits releasing the wastewaters in the sewers, if allowed by the monitoring results


  • Safety groups and devices: level and pump sensors installed in all the system critical stages, stopping the wastewaters flow in case of detected anomaly, and safety flooding well which can collect and stock wastewaters potentially overflowing from any system group

The entire system is locally managed by a PLC, which is commanded by a remote management software installed on a PC.

Through the interactive synoptic interface of the software the operator can activate the system automatic cycles, set the measurement parameters, visualize the alarms and release archives, and monitor the system’s status (filling levels, pump stages, measurements, alarms). Depending on the measurement results, and as defined by the procedures in force, the operator can also activate the monitored wastewaters release in the sewers.

Additional Info

  • Main features:
    • Fully customizable system 
    • Automatic system managed by remote PC
    • Redundant level sensors and pumps 
    • 1 liter Marinelli beaker measurement geometry
    • 2”x2” Nal(Tl) scintillator with MCA
    • Lead shielding well
    • Release pumps
    • Safety devices against flooding
    • Local PLC and remote PC with management software
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