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The ARCHIMEDES II WiFi is designed to perform fast measurements of the gamma activity of bags, containing potentially contaminated materials.

The mechanical structure is mounted on wheels to be easily handled, and a set of adjustable supports allow to stabilise the monitor.

ARCHIMEDES II WiFi is composed of an anti-vibration base structure, a digital scale, a control console, and two vertical detection units defining a measurement area.

The detectors can slide along the base and be manually positioned as near to the bag as possible, to maximize the counting efficiency. The detectors are fully removable from the support base, allowing remote measurements when needed; the acquired data are sent to the data processing control console through a WiFi connection.

When the detectors are used in remote mode, the power supply is provided by rechargeable batteries installed in each detection unit. When the detectors are connected to the support base the batteries are recharged and the power supply is provided by the mains.

ARCHIMEDES II WiFi calculates the gamma activity of the material being monitored and compares it with the operative clearance limits; then it issues an acoustic and visual signal through the integrated alarm column to confirm the good functioning and the measurement result.

The system software allows to set the operative parameters and to manage the analysis and the archiving of the data coming from the electronics associated with the detectors.

Additional Info

  • Main features:
    • Fast measurement of the gamma activity
    • One-of-a-kind device for big surfaces scanning
    • Removable detection units
    • Detectors: 2 large plastic scintillators
    • 150 Kg maximum payload
    • Easy decontamination of internal and external surfaces
    • Removable detectors for use in remote mode
    • MDA (Co-60): down to 200 Bq (10 min)